14 Super Foods that are Essential for Healthy Pregnancy

Healthy Pregnancy super foods
Image source - Pinterest.com

There comes a time in life when every woman wishes for one thing, a child.  Research shows that families that do not have kids are likely to lack peace and eventually split, and the only to avoid such problems would be get pregnant and give birth to a child. For one reason or the other, known either to a husband or to a wife, a child is always a blessing that no one in the family can live without at all, and when the wife gets pregnant, every person in the family becomes happy and wants to celebrate.

It is important to keep in mind that pregnancy is a gift and great care is essential as it means the life of both the mother and the life of the child. Contrary to what most mothers’ thoughts, one should not eat for two people but rather 110% as the child only needs 10% of what you eat. What this means is that you should concentrate on the health in the type of foods you eat. Always keep in mind that the well-being of your child lies in the diet you eat.

14 Pregnancy Superfoods to Eat for Baby

1. Avocado

Avocado contains omega 3 that help in brain development. The brain is the central organ and most important part of the body and controls all the functioning of the body. Proper brain development ensures no deformity in your child at birth.

Avocado superfoods in pregnancy

2. Chia Seeds in Fermented Foods

These grains contain omega 3, fiber and fats. They help to ward off depression. They help inhibit the speed in which sugar is absorbed to avoid the baby having swings in body sugars. Eat them with salad, yoghurt or cereal. Yoghurt, natural unpasterilized miso, naturally fermented vegetable pickles, sauerkraut, rejuvelac are some examples of fermented foods and they contain enzymes and good bacteria that help in digestion and elimination waste.

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During pregnancy, digestion is usually slow and could result to constipation hence bacteria produced by the fermented foods prevent this and help in yeast related infections. The good bacteria in the intestines help neutralize acidity in the antibiotics given to pregnant women during labor. Do not boil the foods because you want to retain that important bacterium.

Chia Seeds Superfoods

3. Chicken on Whole Grain

Lean meat keeps one satiated and helps to hold on muscle mass. Eat 71 grams daily. Whole grain wheat gives you complex curbs that help raise blood sugar level required to make more insulin by your body. They also contain the vitamin Bs and proteins. Best whole grains are brown rice, oats, quinoa, wheat and millet.

Chicken on Whole Grain in pregnancy superfoods

4. Prunes

Prune is a dried fruit that helps in smooth running of the digestive system. Its rich content of fiber is useful for decreasing the risk of developing pregnancy related condition called preeclampsia. Eat 25 grams of fiber daily. During pregnancy, there are hormonal reactions that put the mother at the risk of constipation and digestive problems and prevention is essential at all cost as it also puts the baby at risk.

Prunes Superfoods in pregnancy

5. Spinach

Spinach contains folic acid, B2 vitamin that helps protect against nueral-tube defects e.g spina bifida. It is also rich in oxalic acid that inhibit over absorption of calcium and iron. Folic acid provides iron that is essential to prevent anemia.  B vitamins  are important for the development of the brain in the body. Eat them raw so as not to destroy the oxalic acid.

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Spinach in pregnancy

6. Beans and legumes

They are good sources of protein, calcium, iron, thiamin and niacin. Drain the beans and rinse them when you remove them from refrigerator as they contain a lot of sodium and this helps reduce the sodium. Eat more of fermented soybeans as they contain healthy bacteria and enzymes that help in digestion and the culturing process neutralize the phytic acid that.

Beans and legumes in Pregnancy

7. Dark and Leafy Vegetables and Cabbage

They contain important minerals iron, calcium, vitamins A, and C. These are ideal to the mothers and mothers to be. They also contain phytochemicals like beta carotein and lutein that protect against cancer. They also promote plenty supply of milk for the baby.

Cabbage in pregnancy

8. Blackstrap Molasses

They contain high amounts of calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, copper and chromium minerals. These minerals are very important during the development of the bone structure of the baby and help the mother to remain strong enough to carry the baby.

Blackstrap Molasses in Pregnancy

9. Nutritional Yeast

Natural yeast is a rich source of all the vitamin B complex and high protein content. Proteins are very helpful in keeping the mother’s fluid balance check and are raw materials for cell’s, hormones and enzymes important during pregnancy.

Nutritional Yeast in Pregnancy

10. Nuts

They are great sources of fiber, protein, minerals and important fatty acids. Also, contain omega 3 good for baby’s brain and nervous system development. Fiber helps curb constipation and prevent hemorrhoids in the mother. Fatty acids are essential for brain development.

Nuts superfoods in Pregnancy

11. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes contain carotenoids converted into vitamin A and C, folate and fiber. These are important nutrients for the pregnant women for their own health and the health of your baby. They help in strong bone development and holding muscle for the mother to hold the baby in her womb. The folate helps protect neural-tube defects and fights anemia in the mother.

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Sweet Potatoes Super Foods for pregnancy

12. Eggs

One egg contains proteins and vitamin B complex, vitamin A, important minerals and choline. These are all very useful to the mother and to the baby for energy and development. Choline is essential for brain development and enhances the mother’s memory. However, you should not eat more than one egg a day as it contains about 213 gms of cholestral while as the body requires 300 gms only.

Eggs in pregnancy

13. Milk

Milk contains vitamin D and B, calcium, carbohydrates, proteins and fats. The calcium helps in bone development, the carbohydrates provides energy to the both the mother and the child. Vitamin D helps in the absorption of calcium into the body.

Milk superfoods in pregnancy

14. Fresh Fruits

Fruits contain most vitamins, anti-oxidants, minerals and fiber. The vitamins are essential for both the baby and the mother. Fiber in them helps in digestion in the digestive system. Examples of minerals contained in fruits are calcium, potassium and magnesium. These minerals help in brain development, strong bone structure and sufficient supply of blood in the body system.

The foods discussed above are just some from a very large variety of healthy foods that one should eat during pregnancy but they are to give you a guideline as to the better way of remaining healthy in pregnancy, keeping the right mass of your weight and ensure that your baby will not suffer any form of deformity. It is also advisable that you adhere to your doctor’s instructions, go for regular check-ups and do exercises.

Fruits superfoods in pregnancy


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