12 Surprisingly Efficacious Home Remedies for Food Poisoning

Home Remedies for Food Poisoning

Food poisoning happens when you eat contaminated food. However, others who also eat the same thing you did may or may not be affected in the same way. While food poisoning is rarely a serious illness and generally disappears after a few days even without specific food poisoning treatment, it has the ability to bring even the strongest people to their knees. These days, no one has the time to wait for the worst to pass (excuse the pun): if there’s a way to feel better without even needing to leave the house, why not take it? How to Get rid of food poisoning immediately with these home remedies, have you look here.

Common Causes of Food Poisoning

  • There are more than 200 diseases capable of causing food poisoning
  • The bacterium Campylobacter is known to trigger some of the most severe cases
  • Other bacteria which cause food poisoning include salmonella, listeria, e. coli, norovirus and botulism
  • Food, specifically meat, that has not been processed and cooked properly is a major contributor
  • Spoiled and raw eggs and meats can cause very serious infections leading to food poisoning

Symptoms of Food Poisoning and Related Infections

While symptoms of food poisoning do vary to a certain extent depending on the source of infection, the following are usually felt.

  • Overpowering nausea
  • Diarrhea (bloody or otherwise) and vomiting: one or both
  • In case of a staph infection, abdominal cramps or food poisoning stomach pain may set in within an hour, though symptoms may show after as long as 10 days for campylobacter infections
  • High body temperature
  • Dehydration in case of severe infections
  • Muscle weakness, blurry vision and other neurological symptoms

Note: In case of severe dehydration and neurological symptoms, you should see a doctor as soon as you can.

Home Remedies to Relieve Discomfort from Food Poisoning

Even when you know you aren’t seriously ill, food poisoning is a pain in every sense of the term. What you can do, however, is use these ingredients (most of them are probably already in your kitchen), to make your life a hell of a lot easier. They’re all readily available, and you can use any of them to getting rid of food poisoning for quick results.

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1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Here’s arguably the best of the home remedies for food poisoning: apple cider vinegar. While the cider is strongly acidic, it actually affects the body in the way an alkali might in the manner of its metabolism. It soothes your gastrointestinal lining and kills the troublesome bacteria responsible for your plight, and you get some much needed relief. Drink 2-3 tsp of the undiluted vinegar, or mix 2 tbsp into warm water.

2. Ginger

Since time immemorial, ginger has been used as a remedy for practically every kind of digestive ailment, which includes food poisoning. A cup of ginger tea after your morning or evening meal can work wonders, or you can simply chew on slices of raw ginger. Conversely, you can mix together honey and a few drops of juiced ginger.

3. Basil

Basil is a huge favourite for chefs everywhere, but it has quite a few medicinal qualities too, not to mention antimicrobial ones. Drinking basil juice with honey will soothe the pain and kill some of those bacteria. You can also mix basil oil with water and sip it slowly over the course of day, or even mix together plain yoghurt, a little bit of sea salt and black pepper, and fresh basil leaves.

4. Lemon

Lemons have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties due to its acidic nature. Lemon juice with warm water will purge your system, and symptoms will start disappearing before you know it. Lemon is the instant home remedy to relieve discomfort from food Poisoning.

5. Yoghurt and Fenugreek Seeds

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Mix a tablespoon of yoghurt with a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds. Make sure you don’t chew the seeds, because all you have to do is swallow them. The two taken together will alleviate your symptoms, as fenugreek is a remedy for stomach pain and yoghurt has anti-bacterial properties.

6. Garlic

Swallow a clove of fresh garlic with water. If you’re willing to put up with the rather pungent smell, you can drink garlic juice. If you’d rather not ingest the stuff raw, then a blend of soybean and garlic oil can be massaged onto your abdomen after meals for speedy relief.

7. Cumin

Cumin seeds are another fairly straightforward way of dealing with an inflamed stomach. You can boil 1 tsp of them in a cup or so of water, add some salt and 1 tsp of coriander, and drink it at least twice daily until symptoms disappear. Another cleansing drink is a mixture of asafetida, salt and cumin seeds, to be had 2-3 times every day.

8. Bananas

These rich sources of potassium are easy to digest and won’t take much out of you, but will replete your energy levels and make you feel generally better. Either munch on a ripe banana or make yourself a nice shake (they’re healthy as well as delicious). If solid food is out of the question, you could probably survive on banana shakes for a few days.

9. Honey

We’ve mentioned earlier that honey can be mixed with lemon juice to relieve your stomach, but it’s equally effective on its own thanks to both antibacterial as well as antifungal properties. Whether you want to have 1 tsp of honey thrice daily or mix it into your tea, the effects will be the same, and all good. Honey can even make sure your stomach isn’t producing abnormal levels of acids.

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10. Herbal Teas

Even when you feel fine, herbal teas can increase your health and overall well-being. And when you’ve been brought low by food poisoning, they can be nothing short of a godsend, relieving cramps, soothing your stomach and calming your mind.

11. Lots and lots of fluids

More than anything else, water will get you through this. Other fluids that you can take include clear soda and very light soups or broths. Avoid any kind of dairy products, nicotine, alcohol and caffeine, or anything with a lot of seasoning. When you’re having a particularly bad time, sucking a few ice chips can actually help bring instant relief for food poisoning.

12. Chinese Herbs

There’s a South Asian herb called Andrographis, which taken twice a day (around 300 – 500 mg should do), can reduce symptoms to a huge extent. Make sure you get your Andrographis supplements from a trusted vendor, however.

Preventions and Precautions –

  • You can use food thermometers to check food temperature and make sure it is within the normal range
  • Seafood should be selected carefully to make sure of its freshness and quality
  • Checking the expiration date on fresh produce as well as packaged food can prevent infection
  • If you are at a restaurant and find a dish to be undercooked, send it back and ask for a different plate
  • If you are suffering from food poisoning, keep yourself hydrated; up your fluid intake, specifically clear liquids, and cut down on solid foods
  • Ginger soothes a variety of digestive ills, but also warms up the body
  • Until you’re sure you’re absolutely all right, avoid any kind of fried or greasy food

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