15 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Back Acne Overnight

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Back Acne

We understand dealing with pimple is tough, especially for pubescent teenagers, but a bad acne breakout is a whole lot more difficult. Now imagine having this difficulty on your back, causing you discomfort every time you toss and turn on the bed, wear nice and tight clothes and anything that creates a possibility of friction against your back. This doesn’t mean you can’t have back acne cures fast. Just like any breakout resulting from Acne vulgaris, this can be the cause of your irritation for a long time if left untreated. Check out these home remedies on how to get rid of bacne.

Before the treatment it’s better to dig deep and find out the root causes of bacne:

  • Overactive oil glands can cause excess secretion leading to clogged pores which slowly develops into acne
  • The follicles on the back can also get clogged due to excess dead cells that may over time lead to bacterial invasion
  • People with oily skin tend to develop acne when visiting a highly humid place as that creates the perfect environment (heat) for acne on shoulder, chest and other area to thrive
  • Pollution causing blockage of pores due to accumulation of dirt can cause acne
  • Shoulder straps, constant friction on the back due to heavy weights and things of such nature can cause Acne Mechanica on the back
  • Irritable clothes that don’t allow air exchange easily if worn over a long period of time every day can cause acne
  • Sweat on your back can get mixed with the oil and toxins that are excreted through the skin and block the follicles causing acne

Symptoms of back acne

Medical science hasn’t been able to point to just one cause for the reason behind acne on the back, but has successfully identified a few of the symptoms that could indicate the severity of the acne:

  • Open pores filled with oil that turns brown on air exposure
  • Blackheads
  • Closed and plugged pores
  • Very small to medium sized red bumps (most common symptom)
  • Red bumps with pus filled pointy tops
  • Big red lumps lying underneath the skin could cause pain
  • Cystic lesions (painful, pus filled lumps)
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Home Remedies to Get Rid of Back Acne

You got to face the fact that removing acne overnight is a myth. It will take your consistent effort for some time, but will get rid of it eventually. So be consistent and patient and try these home remedies to get rid of back acne:

1. Lemon juice

Lemon juice is known for its rich storage of citric acid. It aids in clearing the skin by removing dead cells, an efficient astringent, stimulates elasticity. You will need lemon juice, bowl, cotton ball, towel and a super mild cleanser. Wash your back very gently with the cleanser and then wash it off and gently pat it dry (do not use a loofah). Take a cotton ball dipped in lemon juice and apply on the affected area and let it sit for a few hours and wash off with lukewarm water. Repeat this every single day for at least a week, it’ll help you reduce the dark spots on back very fast.

2. Honey and oat mask

Honey is used widely for its antibacterial properties and oats is not only a good fiber for digestion when taken as food but removes excess dead skin cells, dirt and blocked pores. Honey also prevents redness and inflammation with its soothing property. You will need honey (3-4 tablespoons), plain oatmeal (2-3 tablespoons) and lukewarm water. Cook the plain oatmeal in normal water, add honey to it and stir well once you have finished cooking, let the mixture sit for some time and then apply it on your back. After 15-20 minutes, wash off with lukewarm water. This will help you get rid of bacne scars.

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3. Sea salt

This may lead you into thinking – consumption of excess sodium could help in acne production, then why use it as a remedy? Well sea salt when used externally acts efficiently in reducing acne on your back by reducing bacterial build up and drying out excess oil. You will need sea salt, warm water and a bathtub. Mix salt well in the warm bath water and soak it for 20 minutes. After getting out you can apply a light moisturizer if you feel way too dry.

4. Tomato pulp

This fruit/berry is slightly acidic in nature and helps in creating pH balance. Scrape out the insides of a tomato and blend it in a blender slightly to get that pulpy consistency, then apply it on your back and leave it for 15 minutes. Rinse off with normal water. Repeat this step every day for best results.

5. Orange

It’s known to have retinols that are good for the skin. Orange juice detoxifies body cells, and is a rich source of Vitamin C, which aids removal of scars from the body. Dry the orange peels and grind to get a fine powdery mix and apply after mixing with water. Wash off after some time and repeat every day consistently.

6. Potatoes

Collagen helps maintain skin elasticity and potatoes help in maintaining production of collagen. Peel a raw potato and grate it and turn it into a paste. Apply this on the affected area and rinse off after letting it sit for some time.

7. Cucumber

It helps in maintaining pH balance and moisturizes the skin. Take a cucumber, blend and turn it into a paste and apply on the affected area and leave it undisturbed for 10 minutes. Wash off with normal water.

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8. Garlic

It helps in scar reduction with its antibiotic and anti-fungal properties. Peel the garlic and crush the garlic and apply. Wash off afterwards.

9. Turmeric

it will act as a great exfoliating agent and lighten scars as well. Make a turmeric paste, apply and keep for 5-10 minutes don’t let it dry and turn hard. Ash off with normal water gently.

10. Neem

Genudin and Nimbidol are great anti-fungal agents present in Neem that helps fight acne. Turn it into a paste with water and apply it and wash off. You can also take a bath with Neem leaves soaked in water.

11. Ice

Before going off to bed, apply ice on your back, this will provide a soothing sensation and reduce inflammation.

12. Toothpaste

Just the normal toothpaste helps dry out acne. Apply and leave and wash off. Repeat as often as possible.

13. Egg whites

Use egg whites to use as a mask on the back and wash off afterwards.

14. Coconut oil

Although excess oil may cause acne but coconut oil will benefit you in several ways. This oil is known for its Lauric and Capric acid that are antimicrobial agents. Daily application of virgin coconut oil will reduce back acne.

15. Onion

It revitalizes skin and even reduces inflammation. Apply onion juice and wash off after some time.

Precautions –

  • When applying these methods do not use all of them at once, pick one and say consistent.
  • Do not scrape any paste that dries up
  • Maintain daily hygiene, wash bedsheets and pillow cases every third day
  • Wear loose clothes to avoid irritation
  • Do not use harsh soaps as that will disrupt pH balance


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