17 Natural Home Remedies to Get Rid of Sore Throat

Sore Throat Home Remedy

Sore throat is the first signal of a cold detected from a side effect on the vocal cords, where one experiences a painful irritation. This makes it difficult for one to swallow almost anything edible. The health problem is not that serious. Even then, it is one of the most common health issues worth addressing. While most people tend to see the doctor, doing so is actually not necessary most of the times. This is because the sore throat virus will always go away on its own, usually only after a few days.

Common Causes


Home Remedies for Sore Throat

The problem with sore throat is that the symptoms of the condition may be quite uncomfortable. You can use natural treatment to help ease irritation and eventually make the problem go away completely.

1. Honey and Lemon

Honey, lemon and boiled water make a good medication choice. Take honey, lemon, and boiled water.  Start by squeezing the lemon in water, add at least two teaspoons of honey in the water, and stir. Take the mixture once it is ready. You can add some sugar to get rid of the bitter taste of lemon. Take the remedy in the morning before going to work and in the evening before going to bed.

2. Warm Water & Salt

Warm some water and add a smaller amount of salt, and then take the solution. Use only a half teaspoonful of salt, not too much or little than this measure. The treatment helps to soothe the sore throat and break secretions. The salt kills bacteria in the throat and reduces swelling of the throat.

3. Steaming

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Steaming is a great approach if you want to conquer the problem of sore throat fast. Boil water and then put it in a bowl of basin. Make sure the water boils to its actual boiling temperature. Slowly near the steam. Make sure you are at a distance where you feel comfortable. Now, inhale the steam for about three to five minutes. This time is just good enough for the steam to get to the drier part of your throat.

4. Ginger

Consumption of ginger solution relieves sore throat. Ginger has a spicy aroma and it helps to reduce inflammation, swelling and pain in your throat. The consumption of ginger eases congestion in the throat. Its concoction is prepared by boiling water and adding the well-peeled ginger and two tablespoons of honey and the concoction is ready for consumption.

5. Drink Milk

Milk is a perfect soothing agent, which does not cause any irritation. It therefore makes a perfect choice if you have the driest form of sore throat. Milk is, however, not suitable for persons who have congested sore throat. It is therefore not advisable to consume milk should this be the case because the milk will coat throat, forming mucus like layer.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar contains high level of acidity, which decreases the pH of the tissues and kills the bacteria that cause the sore throat. Apple cider vinegar can be used in several ways in curing a sore throat. One can take a quarter glass of the vinegar and a half glass of water together. In addition, one can take a little of the vinegar, like a teaspoon of it, and swallow it whole. You should do this until the sore throat is completely gone.

7. Chewing Garlic

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Did you know that garlic is one of the best home remedies for sore throat? It is important to note that garlic is an anti bacteria and it can kill the germs in the throat. Cut a piece of garlic into two and suck the substance in it. The common name given to the content in the garlic is allicin. The work of allicin is to kills the bacteria in the throat. The other way to take the remedy is by peeling and crushing it completely until it becomes a paste. Mix the paste with hot water and drink. You need to use the remedy on a regular basis until the sore throat disappears.

8. Consuming Turmeric

Start by peeling the turmeric until you have only the part that will be useful as the home remedy. Now, crush the turmeric until you are satisfied you have crushed well. Add some warm water and milk to make a good paste and then take the solution. Take the medication regularly until the sore throat disappear.

9. Run a Humidifier

Running a humidifier is an advisable way of getting rid of a sore throat. A humidifier helps to keep the atmosphere of a particular place moist. When one is in a moist atmosphere, it is difficult to contract a sore throat unlike when the air becomes dry. Avoid being in places that are too hot and unfriendly if you have this condition.

10. Taking Fluids

This does not mean water alone. However, water is a great solution and worth the take. Most people will try other fluids besides water and this is okay. I would advise that you cease from taking sugary fluids. In fact, the only best and sweetest fluid to take after all is water. Fluids causes the mucous membrane to stay damp, thus being able to fight bacteria and irritants like allergens.

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11. Changing Toothbrush

Changing your toothbrushes is always advisable. Note that bacteria sticks in the brush bristles and they can re infect a person from time to time. The best thing to do is to change your brush regularly.

12. Raw Vegan Chocolate

You should take hot raw vegan chocolate. This one helps to soothe the sore throat and it does not increase mucus. This is also advisable for small babies.

Herbal Remedies for Sore Throat

13. Cayenne Pepper

Did you know that Cayenne pepper is anti-inflammatory? Take this to cure sore throat. Take the medication two times a day and soon the problem will disappear.

14. Slippery Elm

Consumption of Slippery Elm is helpful in curing of a sore throat. Slippery Elm is a type of herb that helps to sooth the sore throat.  It also helps to fight coughs.

15. Use of Echinacea

Use Echinacea in form of spray. Echinacea helps to boost the immune system and prevents the body from contracting cold and flu. This is a great remedy for children with sore throat.

16. Taking Cinnamon

Consumption of cinnamon is effective for relieving the pain in the throat. You should mix the cinnamon oil with raw honey for preparation. Take this remedy to reduce inflammation and irritation in the throat. You can take the medication two times a day until the sore throat heals.

17. Marshmallow Roots

The marshmallow root has mucus like substance that soothes the sore throat. You can prepare this by adding dried root in a cup containing boiled water. This forms a solution tea, which you can take regularly as the best medication for sore throats.


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