22 Natural Home Remedies on How to Get Rid of Hangover Quickly

Natural Home Remedies on How to Get Rid of Hangover Quicky
Image Credit - huffingtonpost.ca

There is possibly nothing better than treating yourself to your favorite scotch or whiskey on a weekend in your favorite bar with your close group of friends. But there are people who prefer mind blowing parties in the uptown areas with free flowing alcohol and music. Then there are the occasional bachelor parties, farewell parties, birthday parties and so on and so forth. But what do they have in common? You guessed it right; the pangs of nauseating hangovers morning after. But does that mean you have to cut down on the fun? Better not think so, because we are here to provide you with some amazing natural cures for hangovers. For more fun, keep reading.

What causes hangover?

It is impossible to pinpoint the cure of a problem unless we can work out what causes it in the first place. We already know by trial and error, that different types of alcohol causes different degrees and types of hangovers. But what are we the main reasons for the splitting headaches and overwhelming nausea that grips us the morning after?

  1. Water loss; alcohol is a strong diuretic.
  2. Loss of electrolytes.
  3. Combined inflammatory response from the immune system.
  4. Drastic fall in blood sugar level.
  5. Presence of high amounts on congeners.
  6. Production of high levels of gastric juices.
  7. Disturbance in sleeping.
  8. Dilation of blood vessels.
  9. Formation of acetaldehydes.

How do you know for sure that you are hung-over?

Although frequent drinkers know how hangover nausea feels like, but believe it or not, that is one of the more rare symptoms of hangover and does not happen to everyone. So what are the more common signs?

  1. Headache is one of the most common symptoms.
  2. Lethargy, genuine tiredness, feeling of sleep deprivation.
  3. Light sensitivity.
  4. Dizziness and anxiety.
  5. Irritability and mood swings.
  6. Diarrhea, flatulence and stomachache. (all may not occur simultaneously)
  7. Increased response time.
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How to get rid of hangover?

Almost all drinkers have had their trysts with bad hangovers. Although prevention is better than cure, sometime spurs of spontaneity prevent us from taking the preventive measures. But that does not mean we have to endure the pain of hangover headache and nausea throughout the next day. There are some instant, natural home remedies for getting rid of hangovers which can be found at your home. Let us check them out before you go out partying again.

1. Increase Water Intake

Start off by drinking tons of water, one sip at a time. Lots of water at one go might just trigger your nausea. Alcohol is a strong diuretic and you need to make up for the loss of fluids by drinking bland liquids which include isotonic drinks.

2. Antacid

Take an antacid. Most of the discomfort on the morning after is caused by increased levels of stomach acid which should be first controlled with antacids.

3. Anti-Emetics

Anti-emetics should be taken if you have been vomiting for a while. Vomiting after a night of drinking can dehydrate your further and cause serious complications.

4. Carbohydrate Rich Foods

The most effective home remedies for getting rid of hangovers include Carbohydrate rich foods and fruit juices. They always help in curing the meanest hangovers. Remember to avoid caffeine. Although it gives you a momentary jolt, it is also responsible for aggravating headaches and cramps.


Try taking NSAIDs like ibuprofen and naproxen. You do not want to put extra pressure on your metabolism which is already trying to metabolize the alcohol. Taking Tylenol based pain-killers can damage your liver.

6. Ginger Ale

You can also rely on good ol’ ginger ale to help you get rid of the nausea that has taken over your other senses.

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7. Fruit Juices

Natural juices and coconut water has all the necessary minerals like sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium which drain out with bodily fluids. Replenishment often helps with splitting headaches.

8. Banana Smoothie

Make a banana smoothie, or simply have a glass of milk with sugared toast and fries. Potato, banana and milk are extremely good sources of potassium and provide an almost instant hangover solution.

9. Ginger Tea

Just like ginger ale, ginger tea with a dash of honey helps with the hangover nausea.

10 Thistle Eea

It has also been proven that drinking milk thistle tea and green tea are good home remedies for getting rid of hangovers.

11. Lemon and Honey

If you do not feel like putting in so much effort after a tiring night, just boil some water, add to lemon to it and honey and drink up. This has shown to cure headache and nausea since ancient times.

12. Sleeping

If it is a Sunday morning then you are a lucky (wo)man. The best way to avoid hangovers is to get sound sleep. So if you wake up early to the symptoms of hangover, simply pop an antacid, a painkiller, if necessary and go back to sleep. This is one of the oldest techniques, if anything bothers you, sleep it out.

13. Light Walk

If you feel well enough it is okay to go for a light walk, try wearing shades to avoid any bright light. A little fresh air always helps to get rid of hangovers faster.

14. Warm Shower

Take a long shower; a warm shower is known to relax your nerves and you may find it soothing especially on cold days. But we advice you against warm showers on a mid-June day unless you live Down Under.

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15. Sports Drinks

Sports drinks also contain tons of necessary electrolytes which help restore the balance inside your body. They are especially useful when you have been drinking alcohol with high congeners like rum and whiskey.

16. Exercise

Keep yourself occupied; it can be by exercising or catching up with your favorite TV series. Try not to beat yourself up for having a hangover. Keeping busy will also improve your mood besides distracting you from the banter of nausea.

17. No Carbonated Drinks

Say no to carbonated (fizzy) drinks; they increase dieresis and will definitely worsen tour hangover. Even while drinking, fizzy drinks facilitate faster alcohol absorption which gives you a worse hangover.

18. No Spicy Foods

Try eating simple food throughout the rest of the day like crackers, toast, boiled/steamed veggies. Avoid oily and spicy food as they can irritate your stomach further aggravating your nausea. The simple carbs help absorbing the alcohol from your system.

19. Avoid Strenuous Work

Try not doing any work which involves lots of stamina, patience or/and concentration. This will only worsen your headache. However if you do not have that luxury, follow the above mentioned remedies and you will feel good enough to run a marathon.

How to avoid hangover?

As our mothers have told us numerous times, prevention is better than cure. And in case of nasty hangovers it is more than true. Let us see a few tips which will help you keep hangovers at bay the next time you are out for a wild one.

  1. Have a glass of water with each drink.
  2. Avoid mixing alcohols.
  3. Better greasy than queasy; eat fatty meal before a night of heavy drinking.
  4. Have carbohydrate rich food and salted nuts during drinking.
  5. Go for light colored booze.
  6. Do not drink in empty stomach.
  7. Do drink slowly.


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