14 Home Remedies for Burn Relief Fast

14 Home Remedies for Burn Relief Fast

No one wants to be burned. In fact, a burn is one of the most dreaded experiences that can make you do anything to escape scenes that can leave you with scars. There is a problem often associated with burns. They usually take a long time to heal and often leave scary scars. The very first burns are always the most dangerous. They usually affect the top layer of the skin. They can turn red, become very painful and make it hard for one to live normally. I do not know what else you would call a life where you are feeling nothing but pain on parts of your body. It becomes hell and need immediate attention. Following are the causes, symptoms and home remedies to get rid of burns.

Causes of Burn

  • Fire
  • Steam
  • Hot liquid
  • Chemicals like strong acids
  • Electrical currents
  • Radiation from X-rays
  • Hot metals
  • Hot glasses and other hot objects

It is important to keep in mind that a single injury can actually reach a varying debt. This means that distinguishing a minor burn from a serious will vary depending on the degree of damage  caused to the tissues of the body on the burned sections.

Home Remedies for Minor Burn Naturally

These remedies have been tested and proven to relief pain on minor burns and most of them even heal the wound. Keeping in mind that a burn pain can make you not to sleep at night even when it is just a minor burn, it is advisable that one should remember most of these remedies even if not all of them. They will save you pain, time and money not forgetting peace of mind because you are sure they will work.

1. Washing with Cold Milk

Here are steps on how you are going to use this remedy

  • Pick a piece of clean cloth, soak it in the milk and hold it on the burn for at least 15 minutes. Make sure the piece of cloth is clean. This will prevent the milk from getting sour. Wash the cloth and dry it clean before you use it next time.
  • Repeat the same procedure after every few hours. Doing this helps to relieve the pain caused by burn fast.
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Milk is a powerful solution, whose coldness helps to lessen the heat on the burn. It also creates a protective protein film on the skin, which helps to ease the ensuing discomfort.

2. Applying Honey

Did you know that honey is a perfect drying agent? It helps to treat wounds and burn by dehydrating the tissues around the wound. This helps to keep the wound clean and disinfected.

  • Apply honey on gauze bandage to avoid it being sticky on the burnt area.
  • Now, place it directly with the honey side down.
  • Change the bandage 3 to 4 times daily until the wound heals completely.

3. Washing the Burn in Teabags

Tea has tannic acid. This acid has the power to draws heat from the burn. The acid therefore reduces the excess pain that comes with the heat. In addition to that, it helps with the dehydration of the tissues around the burn and prevents blister formation.

  • Put three to four teabags in a bowl of cold water.
  • Soak a piece of cloth in the water and use it on the burnt area, dabbing it gently for about five minutes.
  •  Do this at least three time daily for better results.

 4. Vinegar

Vinegar is an antiseptic remedy. It helps prevent infection on wounds as well as the burns you want to treat. Two types of vinegar are available for use. They include household vinegar or apple cider vinegar.

  • Put some vinegar in equal amount of water to dilute it.
  • Use it to wash the burnt area.
  • This prevents infection by bacteria and keeps the wound clean.
  • Use it every time you are washing the burn wound.
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5. Use of Ice Cubes

It is important to note that ice cubes are mostly helpful when you get your tongue burnt by hot fluids.

  • Wash a piece of ice in water to avoid it from sticking on the tongue.
  • Now hold the ice cubes in the tongue to ease the pain

6. Using Cold Water

Did you know that cold water is the fastest and easiest remedy for burn? The good thing is that this one is already available free.

  • Usually, you can start the healing process by dipping the burnt areas in a basin or bucket of cold water, usually because it is the easiest method.
  • If you cannot place the burnt area in a basin of cold water, run cold water on the burn. This is usually just to relief pain at that particular time.

7. Use of Crushed Plantain Leaves

Plantain leaves are a natural solution to burns. It contains natural constituents, which include tannins, mucilage and the glycosides. These three ingredients make the plantain leaves a perfect anti-inflammatory agent, a solution just perfect for burns. It prevents two actions commonly known as hemorrhagic actions and expectorant actions.

  • Start by crushing some fresh leaves until they are suitable enough for use
  • Now take the juice and rub it directly on the burn
  • Use the remedy until you see changes on the burn.

8. Use of Oatmeal

Oatmeal is not only useful for breakfast but can also be used to relief burn pains. It actually draws water from the burnt area, which makes it heal faster.

  • Crush one cup of uncooked oatmeal into a basin of lukewarm water, soak the burn for 15 – 20 minutes.
  • Dry it gently so that there is a thin layer of the oatmeal that will be left on the skin.
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9. Raw Potato Remedy

Raw potato has anti irritant properties which reduce pain and chances of getting a blister on the burn.

  • Cut a piece of potato and place it on the burn immediately after being ensuring that the potato juice is released on it.

10. Coconut Oil and Lemon Juice

Coconut oil richly has vitamin E and fatty acids such as lauric acid, myristic acid and capric acid that offer anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-oxidizing properties. The lemon juice contains properties that are used to lighten the skin. This ensures that there are no visible scars even after the burn is completely healed.

  • Mix the coconut oil with lemon juice properly and apply it on the burn.
  • This will facilitate healing.

11. Banana Peels

The sap produced by the raw banana peel is useful for burns.

  • Place a banana peel on the burn wound and wait until it turns black before you can remove it.

Herbal remedies to get rid of burns

12. Use of Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a medicinal plant that has been known to have healing properties. It has pain killing astringent that help to heal burns.

  • Wash the burn well in cold water and then cut a piece of the aloe Vera plant and squeeze its juice generously on the burnt area or use any oil that contains aloe Vera in it.

13. Using Diluted Lavender Oil

  • Mix aloe Vera, lavender oil and vitamin E to make a syrup.
  • Apply it on the burn throughout the day.
  • This will help relieve pain and help heal the scald.

14. Yellow Mustard Remedy

The mustard plant belongs to the cabbage family. It contains vinegar content, has magnesium, iron, calcium, omega 3, fatty acids and zinc, which are all very helpful in healing the burn.

  • Apply the mustard powder on the burn, it helps remove excess water in case of a blister and heals the burn very rapidly.


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