How To Use Apple Cider Vinegar For Yeast Infection Cure

How To Use Apple Cider Vinegar For Yeast Infection Cure

Yeast infection implies a kind of vaginal inflammation that is characterized by intense itchiness, irritability and liquid discharge. It is usually caused by the presence of a fungus called Candida which is present in small amounts within the body. The fungus eventually grows when there’s a significant imbalance in your hormones and immunity levels. In this regard, your yeast infection or Candidiasis can be duly treated by drinking apple cider vinegar (ACV). Besides this, there are also several other home remedies for curing yeast infection using apple cider vinegar. Here are 12 remedies involving the use of apple cider vinegar, and are guaranteed to work wonders in treating this infection.

How is yeast infection cured with apple cider vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar is among the most effective foods that help in treating yeast infection. It,

  • Restores the pH level of a woman’s vagina and prevents the yeast fungi to further thrive in the environment.
  • Acts as a strong antibiotic and kills viruses, protozoa and bacteria.
  • Effectively aids in re-colonizing your intestines and vagina with highly friendly bacteria that acts as a potent guard against the bad bacteria.
  • Being acidic, apple cider vinegar comes with several enzymes which get rid of the excess yeast in your body.
  • Strengthens your immunity system to fight against the deadly yeast fungus.

Apple cider vinegar for yeast infection reviews too suggest the effectiveness of this natural medicine against the highly infectious yeast bacteria. In case you’re wondering if yogurt is good for yeast infection or if coconut oil will treat yeast infection, here is a complete insight on everything that you wanted to know about treating this deadly bacterium.

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A list of home remedies to ease your pain

1. ACV in Diet

By including ACV in your regular diet, you get to prevent yeast infection by having a proper pH balance which further hinders the growth of fungal bacterium. Likewise, regular intake of the apple cider vinegar will also boost your immune system, help in fighting against Candida and foster the presence of good bacteria for preventing yeast infection.

2. Soaking ACV

Yeast infection can also be treated by soaking apple cider vinegar. For this process, you will have to soak a clean cloth or a couple of cotton balls in dilute ACV for around 2-3 minutes. Make sure that the cloth is placed along the wall of your vagina or penis. Continue the process until the infection is completely gone.

3. The douche method

For this, mix 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to 1 quarter of warm distilled water. Douche with this solution. Repeat the process once or twice daily till the discharge lessens drastically. After this, repeat the process daily until your infection is completely gone. In order to make this process stronger, consult a licensed and knowledgeable medical professional.

4. ACV bath

This method has effectively prevented yeast infections. Drastic improvements have been observed after 2-3 soaks. For the process, you will have to add two cups of apple cider vinegar to lukewarm water in a bathtub. Soak the entire thing for 15 minutes. Make it a point to repeat the process twice daily, until your infection is completely cured.

5. ACV with tea tree oil

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For this process, you will have to mix 3 cups of apple cider vinegar and a few drops of tea tree oil to lukewarm shallow water. Soak for 15 minutes. Repeat the process on a daily basis until your infection is totally gone. This process works better than garlic for yeast infection.

6. ACV mixture for drinking

Take some warm water in a glass and add 1-2 teaspoons of ACV to it. Do not add sugar, honey or any sweetener as they promote fungus growth. Make it a point to drink this mixture 2-3 times a day to prevent or cure the infection permanently.

7. ACV before meals

Mix a few drops of apple cider vinegar in a glass. Drink this mixture two times a day before having meals. Your stomach should be empty and the apple cider vinegar used should be completely organic. In case you’re wondering how long does, it take for apple cider vinegar to treat Yeast infection, take this drink daily to get it treated in, 1-2 weeks.

8. ACV supplement

ACV is also available in the form of supplements. These supplements are available in the form of tablets, tonics or capsules according to your convenience. Regular intake of this supplement will improve your immune system and also prevent yeast and bacterial infection.

9. ACV in tampons

Apple cider vinegar for yeast infection can treated by dipping tampons in a ACV solution, Once the vinegar is in close contact to your vaginal walls, there’ll be drastically less of itching and irritation. Get the tampon removed in 10-15 minutes and clean the affected area with water to avoid any kind of fungal growth. You will find a major improvement with the regard to the infection soon after a couple of soaks. Therefore, apple cider vinegar for yeast infection tampon will turn out to be effective. This works even better than white vinegar for yeast infection.

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10. As a part of your diet

If your regularly intake apple cider vinegar as a part of your diet it will effectively reduce your chances of developing yeast infection. This will be ensured by maintaining proper pH balance of your body.

11. Diet pickles

ACV can be incorporated as a part of your diet regime and can thereby treat yeast infection if you use it for pickling different kinds of fruits and veggies. You can also use the apple cider vinegar to pickle in your diet.

12. Popular salad dressing

Just like it acts as a main salad dish; apple cider vinegar can also work as an excellent salad dressing. Sprinkle it on your baked potatoes for a great diet and a yeast infection free system.

Well, in case you’re wondering how to apply acv to warts and is apple cider vinegar good for yeast infection, follow these guidelines and make the most out of this natural ingredient.

Read here : 16 home remedies to cure vaginal yeast infection


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