18 Dependable, Safe, and Completely Natural Home remedies to Get Rid of Keratosis Pilaris

18 Dependable, Safe, and Completely Natural Home remedies to Get Rid of Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis Pilaris is a skin disorder of genetic nature which mostly affects over-weight women during pregnancy, puberty or childbirth. The usual symptom is the appearance of red spots on the skin. It usually appears on cheeks, buttocks, thighs and legs and makes the skin rough and dry. It is also known as “chicken skin”, “follicular keratosis”, “red spot bumps”, etc. The condition usually becomes worse during winter especially in dry countries. Though it is not a serious disease, it is known to scar especially on the face. It generally dies off with age. There are no official medicines available though there are many home remedies for getting rid of Keratosis Pilaris.


  • Vitamin A deficiency
  • Dry skin
  • Excess Keratin buildup
  • Allergic reaction
  • Too much gluten in the diet


  • Red Spots on the skin surface
  • Uneven bumps
  • Excessive dryness
  • Itching
  • Slight pink discoloration around the bumps

Trusted home remedies to get rid of Keratosis Pilaris:

1. Oatmeal Bath

To make the bath, take some powdered oats and mix it well with lukewarm water. Now immerse the affected area in this mixture for at least fifteen to twenty minutes. After that, have a nice shower and get yourself dry using a towel. Try out this process every alternate day and a remarkable improvement will be evident within a week or two. The advantage of this home remedy is the fact that it keeps the skin well moisturized.

2. Humidifier

Humidifiers can be your best friends if keratosis pilaris is haunting you. The one thing about humidifiers is that it rarely allows your skin to get dry. This is because humidifiers increase the moisture content in air. Thus it reduces the symptoms to a great extent. An additional advantage is that it also reduces the chances of allergies and coughs.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

It is a great home remedy with amazing healing properties. When it comes to Keratosis Pilaris, its astringent property makes sure that the skin pores are unclogged. For best results apply it on the affected are before going to sleep every night. Using a mixture of apple cider vinegar with coconut oil is even more effective especially if you Keratosis Pilaris on face.

4. Coconut Oil

Pure virgin coconut oil is one of the best natural moisturizers in the planet. This alone makes it a very good ally in combating Keratosis Pilaris. It also has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties which take its healing properties to a whole new level. Apply coconut oil regularly after bathing to maintain the moisture. Intake of a teaspoon of coconut oil daily is also very beneficial. You will notice that your skin starts glowing after prolonged usage.

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5. Cold water fish

Fishes like mackerel, salmon and tuna are very good home remedies thanks to the abundance of omega 3 fatty acids that work wonders in Keratosis Pilaris treatment. Consumption of such fishes on a regular basis is advised. If that is not possible, intake of fish oil supplements is the next best thing.

6. Aspirin mask

Crush aspirin into fine powder and mix it with sufficient water so as to make a paste. Now apply it on the affected areas of the skin and let it stand for ten minutes at least. Wash it off with water and repeat the process if it seems necessary. Aspirin is very good in reducing the irritation and redness caused by it.

7. Witch Hazel

Witch hazel leaves are excellent in healing Keratosis Pilaris. It has cooling properties second to none which makes it very useful in curing many skin diseases. It is also very good in countering dry skin as in the case of Keratosis Pilaris. For application on the affected part of the skin, crush the leaves and mix it with very little water such that a thick paste is formed. This paste can be applied along with other moisturizers for better effects.

8. Sugar Honey scrub

This scrub may not heal you but it will give a lot of relief from Keratosis Pilaris. The best thing about it is the ease of making it. Both honey and sugar are easily available in all households. Sugar has scrubbing properties while honey is a natural healer. The mixture will form a past which should be scrubbed gently over the skin. Try to rub in circles. Wash it off after a couple of minutes.

9. Milkweed

When you cut the stem of milkweed, a milky liquid starts oozing out. Collect this liquid and store it safely. Apply it over the affected area. It is one of the best cures for Keratosis Pilaris. Apply twice a day and within a few days, the skin will become soft and soon it will completely cured, just like magic!

10. Carrot

The Beta Carotene in carrot helps curbing the excess production of keratin. This helps in controlling the bumps on the skin. Make sure you munch on at least three carrots daily. It is also very good for the teeth. If you don’t like the idea of munching, have carrot soup or carrot juice every day.

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11. Milk Bath

The lactic acid which is abundant in skin helps in making the skin soft and moisturized. Next time you take bath, pour three cups of milk in the bathtub and mix it with water. Get into the tub and make sure you skin is fully dipped for at least five minutes. Now take a bath as usual. Have milk baths every other day to speed up the recovery. It is one of the best home remedy for getting rid of Keratosis Pilaris.

12. Papayas, strawberries and Tomatoes

One of the main causes of Keratosis Pilaris is Vitamin A deficiency. A lot of skin diseases have their roots here. Papayas, strawberries and tomatoes are rich in Vitamin and help to counter this deficiency. Vitamin A plays a huge rule in rebuilding the damaged skin cells.

13. Vitamin A Capsules

These capsules need not be consumed directly. Cut them open and squeeze out the oily liquid. Now apply it like a paste on the affected area. Leave it to dry for about twenty minutes and then wash it off. This process can be repeated until you feel relieved.

14. Tea Tree oil

Tea Tree oil is one of the best healing ointments which works wonders against all sorts of skin diseases. Keratosis Pilaris is no exception. Apply a few drops and simply massage your skin before going to bed. Let it stay overnight. You will be amazed by the effectiveness of this practice. You can even mix this oil with one of your favorite lotions for that little bit of extra moisturizing.

15. Sunlight

The sun has always been a natural curer for all kinds of diseases. It is also a rich source of Vitamin D. Just get yourself out in the open and do some sun bathing. Make sure you do this either early morning or before sunset. The sun rays during the afternoon are harmful and too hot. Always expose yourself with caution. Like, the first day – sun bath for two minutes. If everything seems alright, increase it by a minute the next day. Never expose yourself to sunrays if you are having actinic keratosis as this may worsen the condition.

16. Olive oil

Olive oil is rich in vitamin E which helps in reducing the dryness and bumpiness. It is known to be very effective when it comes to skin diseases. Of all home remedies in getting rid of Keratosis Pilaris, this is the best. Make sure olive oil is applied to the affected parts of the skin on a regular basis. On some days use olive oil scrub instead. Just add sugar to olive oil to make the scrub.

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17. Yoghurt

Yoghurt is effective thanks to the lactic acid present in it. Not only does it make the skin moisturized, it also controls the excess formation of keratin. Apply four to five spoons of yoghurt on the affected area and let it rest for twenty minutes. Now wash it away using lukewarm water. Soak the skin with a soft dry towel. Doing this process daily is very beneficial.

18. Baking Soda

Baking soda is an excellent exfoliator which cleanses the skin pores and washes away the dead cells for good. Take around three spoons of baking soda and mix it with water such that a paste is formed. Apply the paste over the affected skin and start scrubbing. Now wash it off using lukewarm water. This process gets rid of the bumps very quickly.

Ideal Diet To Keep Keratosis Pilaris At Bay

Even though there are many home remedies for getting rid of Keratosis Pilaris, a cautious diet goes a long way in controlling the condition. Make sure your diet contains food which is rich in Vitamins A, D and K. These are the Vitamins that help in reversing the situation. The best supplement you can have is Cod liver oil. It works wonders because it contains all three vitamins. Foods containing gluten should be avoided at any costs as this elevates the problem. All sorts of grains should be minimized as they act as nutrient blockages. Fried and processed food items should be avoided as they are inflammatory in nature.


  • Don’t expose yourself to extreme levels of sun light especially in the afternoon
  • Do not go out during dry and cold weather conditions
  • Do not scratch on the bumps
  • Do not put excess pressure on the skin surface
  • Do not bath in extremely hot water

It is advised to follow the above precautions with utmost care to prevent worsening of the condition. Regular usage of the home remedies along with a strict diet is sure to reduce the symptoms to a large extent.


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