42 Helpful Home Remedies to Induce Labor Naturally – Bring it On

42 Home Remedies to Induce Labor Naturally
Image Source - thebreastcaresite.com

Pregnancy is a beautiful experience and if there’s a baby along the way, what’s better than a natural birth? Statistics have recorded that many women prefer a home birth than a hospital induced experience. Midwives play a crucial role at ensuring self induction for child birth using a number of home remedies that are quite frankly much safer than conventional obstetric practice. Natural induction is a helping hand but it shouldn’t be practiced if you know very little about your pregnancy and the stages of fetal development. To self induce labor at home; here are some of the best natural remedies you can use –

1.  Balsamic Vinegar

Do a little research before using this remedy because it depends upon pregnancy to pregnancy just how much vinegar you use. You can always mix it with salad or add a little pinch while cooking chicken. Vinegar is an excellent source for inducing natural labor. Balsamic vinegar which is made from grape fruit reduction is quite difficult to obtain hence isn’t a frequently used remedy.

2. Basil & Oregano

You can consume Basil or Oregano in your tea or throw in a punch while cooking your favorite dish. The leaves can be boiled in hot water, strained and the water can be consumed to induce natural birth. Known to be natural emmenagogues, both herbs stimulate hormonal changes in the body during childbirth. Many home birth practitioners recommend such herbs as a supplement to women who go past their due dates for inducing labor.

3. Blue Cohosh

This herb is quite popular amongst midwives who use this as an alternative medicine to stimulate the uterus of pregnant women and induce labor. Commonly referred to as Yellow Ginseng, the herb can be consumed in the form of a tincture that is brewed to form tea. This herbal extract shouldn’t be consumed by women who suffer from blood clotting disorder or liver disease.

4. Black Cohosh

Commonly referred to as Snake root, its uterine tonic effect induces labor in women. Five drops of black cohosh tincture in a cup of water or tea is ideal for women who are in the last gestation period. It is strongly suggested to visit a medical consultant before consumption to confirm the dosage. Black cohosh is also known for strengthening uterine tissues however avoid if you’re anemic.
5. Cotton Root Bark

This remedy has popularly been used for various ailments – to reduce menstrual bleeding, as an aphrodisiac and to assist child birth. Contemporary use of the bark involves brewing the herb into tea that can be consumed each day to induce labor. Cotton root bark tincture is possibly the most effective of all herbal extracts stimulates strong contractions alongside loose stools and increased discharge.

6. Blessed Thistle Herb

A commonly used herb for inducing childbirth is Blessed Thistle that is known for its efficiency at enhancing lactation in women. Apart from reducing menstrual cramps, the herb is high in Vitamin B, potassium, iron, calcium and other supplements. If you want to know how to induce labor with herbs, blessed thistle is generally a considerable option that helps soften the uterus for child birth.

7. Wild Yam Root

The herb contains rich supply of glycosides that assist in producing reproductive hormones – progesterone and cortisone. The herb is safer than most allopathic medicines and balances hormones and assists in child birth. Ten drops of this herbal extract with Haw tincture is an effective way to induce labor.

8. Squaw Vine

Squaw Vine is a safe late pregnancy solution can be consumed in the form of herbal tonic that relieves congestion and strengthens the uterus during childbirth. It also contains antiseptic properties and is a preferred alternative for inducing labor. This late pregnancy tonic works well if used with other herbal supplements like red raspberry.

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9. Shepherd’s Purse

Hemorrhages that could affect childbirth can be treated using this herb that is also a blood coagulant and a vasoconstrictor. The herb is an excellent source used by midwives to induce labor since it enhances uterine contractions in women. It can either be consumed in capsule form or made into a tincture, used only during the third trimester stage.

10. Red Raspberry Leaf

One of the best and most widely used herbs is red raspberry leaf that contains vitamins and essential minerals necessary for child birth. It is the safest herb especially since it is contains an alkaloid fragrine that strengthens uterine walls. It can be consumed in the form of tea, 10 drops of the extract is enough to induce labor at 37 weeks.
11. Peppermint

Late pregnancy cases utilize peppermint as an additional supplement to induce labor in women. It should definitely be avoided during the early stages of pregnancy especially since it proves to be toxic to the liver and kidneys.

12. Nettles

This efficient uterine tonic rich in minerals strengthens the kidneys and pumps adrenaline during pregnancy to assist labor. It enhances fertility and prevents hemorrhoids, generally used alongside another supplement like black cohosh.

13. Ginger

The spice is known to induce peristalsis if consumed in amounts more than 5 grams every day. This commonly found kitchen ingredient is a natural labor stimulant that promotes contractions but should be used in the later stages of pregnancy. It is generally used alongside blue/black cohosh to assist childbirth.

14. Dong Quai

Regarded as a fertility promoting agent, the herb is a favorite amongst mid wives that helps in cases of an adhered placenta. The herb is consumed in the form of tea, using the root that is boiled in hot water. 10-20 drops a day is adequate to induce child birth.

15. Goldenseal

The herb contains potent oxytoxic properties that stimulate uterine contractions to induce labor in women. It can be consumed in the form of a beverage however it isn’t considered a safe option by most home birth practitioners.

16. Partridgeberry

Brewed into tea, this herb has similar properties to raspberry, with the ability to treat menstrual pain and reduce heavy bleeding symptoms. A salve of the herb soothes cracked nipples while its herbal extract in tea is a safe stimulant for child birth.
17. Cinnamon Bark

Cinnamon bark is a common remedy for uterine disorders, infections, bleeding and vaginal discharges. It is a safe solution for inducing labor in women and can be consumed by taking 2 cinnamon sticks, boiling in hot water which is then strained and brewed into tea.

18. Motherwort

One of the best natural ways to induce labor is using Motherwort that acts as a soothing uterine tonic for women suffering labor pain. It helps prepare the body for labor and should be consumed only in the last weeks of the gestation period to avoid miscarriage.
19. Cumin Tea

A small piece of potato, 1 tablespoon of cumin powder and hot water boiled to form a soothing mix helps induce labor in most women. It is a common method used in India for inducing labor at home. Another form of consuming cumin is by mixing it with lemon extract and hot water to retain all vitamins and minerals.

20. Aloe Vera

Consume Aloe Vera juice to induce labor that is a commonly used source by midwives for assisting contractions. Aloe Vera is rich in vitamins and minerals and promotes lactation and strengthens uterine walls during labor. Like castor oil, it works as a laxative that induces child birth at home.

21. Bananas

Consuming fruits like bananas rich in potassium helps with muscle contractions therefore is an easily available source for inducing labor. Leave aside potassium supplements and instead have a banana which is a safer remedy to use if you’re trying to induce labor at home.

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22. Borage

Borage, a popular herb is used in the late stages of pregnancy for cervical ripening which technically readies the uterus for labor. Borage oil that contains linolenic acid treats vaginal inflammation and soothes uterine walls during labor. Cervical ripening is a natural form of inducing labor, therefore borage oil is used.

23. Castor Oil

Midwives use castor oil on a routine basis to induce labor due to its laxative properties that stimulate uterine contractions. Since it is a bowel stimulant, consuming castor oil leads to the production of prostaglandins that causes muscle contractions starting from the intestine and till the uterus.

24. Vaginal Steam

Another natural therapy used at home is vaginal steam that is a universally accepted therapy for uterine pathology. It significantly reduces pain, exhaustion and bloating inducing uterine contractions in women. The steam contains herbal extracts that introduce volatile oils on the surface of the skin which are absorbed into the blood to stimulate hormonal changes.

25. Birth Ball

Exercising on a birth ball is an efficient way to induce labor at home. Most home birth specialists recommend birth balls to increase pelvic enlargement especially since it provides counter pressure on the thighs, hips and perineum. It induces labor and develops a natural flexibility in your body which enhances uterine contractions.

26. Eggplant

This vegetable is rich in iron and possibly one of the best stimulants for inducing labor at home. Most women don’t even notice what they’re eating, unknowingly pushing their pregnant bodies to undergo uterine contractions at an unexpected stage.

27. Evening Primrose Oil

Another natural remedy is primrose oil that can be consumed orally in the form of tea generally after 35 weeks of pregnancy. The herb prepares the uterus for childbirth, thinning the cervix and dilating the passage to naturally induce labor.

28. Pelvic Tilts

Health care professionals recommend pelvic tilts as a useful home solution to induce labor. These exercises unlike herbal supplements are great for easing cervical tension, improving circulation and reducing labor pain. For expecting mothers, pelvic tilts are useful if you are already in active labor helping women who’ve surpassed the third trimester.

29. Nipple Stimulations

The theory behind this home remedy is that nipple stimulation induces release of oxytocin, the hormone that is responsible for regulation uterine contractions. However lack of research in this particular therapy makes it a flight risk for your baby.

30. Sex

Another possible means of inducing labor at home is indulging in the act of intercourse. It is believed on a scientific basis that an orgasm during sex stimulates the uterus to undergo light contractions that can proceed with active labor. Not many women can resort to using such a remedy; although it has worked in most cases.

31. Licorice

It has been found that licorice produces prostaglandins that lead to intestinal contractions. As a collateral effect, uterine contractions also take place in few women; however, very little definitive study has yet to prove that Licorice is completely a uterine stimulating remedy.

32. Lavender Oil

Natural induction of labor can also take place using Lavender oil that basically is herbal therapy used by women who prefer avoiding medical inductive forces. Lavender is a true essential oil that can be used by women externally during light massage. It can be applied directly on the skin during aromatherapy to induce cervical contractions.

33. Pineapple

The fruit surprisingly contains an enzyme called bromelain that enhances cervical dilation and induces labor. Consuming large chunks of pineapple can stimulate the muscles in your stomach to contract. This in turn pushes the uterine walls to undergo labor causing contractions that helps induce labor fast.

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34. Butcher’s Broom

Herbal induction for child birth using butcher’s broom is an old wife’s tale – both flower and herb of scotch broom has been used for medicinal purposes. The herb is an excellent remedy since it contains Sparteine that basically leads to uterine contractions; however, this can have a few side effects by increasing blood pressure. It should only be used under strict medical supervision to avoid labor complications.

35. Orange Juice & Milk

Great chances of going into labor is by consuming a glass of orange juice and of milk that work as perfect combinations for enhancing uterine contractions. Half a cup of orange juice and milk produce a reaction of high and low ph that stimulates labor.

36. Date fruit

Consuming date fruits during late pregnancy period is a natural form of inducing labor in women who have passed their due dates. For cervical dilation, date fruits are known to be safe and effective if consumed per day for four weeks prior the estimate due date.

37. Accupressure

One of the most successful means of inducing labor naturally is acupressure. The therapy focuses on certain pressure points to induce labor and can be considered a medically accepted treatment for women who cannot deliver. However this method is only useful once cervical ripening takes place therefore calls for herbal supplements during its practice.

38. Sweeping Membranes

Midwives commonly practice this therapy which involves separation of the cervical membrane walls through a pelvic exam. A naturally induced labor that takes place after the last pelvic exam is a similar process. Spotting or bleeding might take place due to this process and is generally considered for women who are at term.

39. False Unicorn Root

This herbal remedy is specifically recommended for women who’ve suffered miscarriage a lot in the past. If combined with several other herbs, the uterine tonic heals several ailments occurring in the reproductive system. It is rich in iron, zinc, cadmium, cobalt, copper and Vitamin C.

40. Lobelia

Another effective herbal remedy is Lobelia which is recommended if there is vaginal rigidity during the last few days of gestation. It is ideal for women who cross their due dates but aren’t in active labor. Known to be a powerful relaxant it helps prevent miscarriage and ensures healthy labor takes place.

41. Cayenne Pepper

This natural ingredient is a hot and red chili pepper that is rich in capsaicin, which produces heat. Highly beneficial for pregnant women, Cayenne pepper naturally induces labor since it irritates the bowel movement and in turn induces cervical contractions.

42. Papaya

One of the most popularly used fruit to induce labor is Papaya, which contains a proteolytic enzyme called bromelain. The enzyme kicks labor into the active stage by stimulating muscle contractions and softening the cervix, a process that prepares the uterus for labor.


Don’t strain your body to perform labor inducing exercises that might risk your baby’s health. While most natural remedies actually work, a few still are medical debacles. Labor induction is serious health concern; any home birth practitioner who has evaluated your gestation period from the start should be consulted before consuming any herbal extract to induce labor. Do some research before using these home remedies.  Most importantly, it’s important to know what your birth practitioner/medical advisor/doctor/herbalist/midwife has to suggest before you consuming/applying these above mentioned home remedies to your routine towards the latter part of your pregnancy.

  • http://www.postandcourier.com/article/20130806/PC1211/130809696
  • http://www.obgynnorth.com/patient_education/childbirth_preparation/natural_ways_to_encourage_labor
  • https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/BlackCohosh-HealthProfessional/
  • http://aculife.ie/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/induce-brochurea.pdf

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